Primary long-term goal: Protect our water and our water rights.

Primary short-term goals: Stop the invasion of America and end the war in Ukraine.

The United States is being invaded by a multi-million-man army of military-age males from 150+ countries, including China, Iran, Russia, and other adversary nations. I will demand that the next president shut down the border completely to stop this invasion, using the Constitutional authority enumerated in Article IV, §3. I will also call for and support the immediate detention and removal of all military-age invaders, either to their own countries or to the Ukrainian army – their choice. When it comes to Ukraine, the US faces financial and physical ruin if we keep feeding the Military Industrial Complex monster driving this manufactured conflict. We are literally repeating the leadup to WWII by provoking a regional power and supporting various regional conflicts. Early in February 2024, for example, the UK proposed sending NATO troops to Ukraine. The week before that, the Germans announced that NATO will be in a war with Russia by 2025. The War Weenies are laying the groundwork in plain sight and the only way to shut them down is by cutting off all US support for Ukraine and stopping that war in its tracks.

Secondary short-term goal: Keep the federal knee off our necks

In addition to defending the Constitution, I will introduce legislation to rein in the power of bureaucracies, especially predatory agencies such as EPA, BLM, and NPS, whose predations make wolf reintroduction look like child’s play. I will also do my best to prevent any federal encroachment upon Dobbs, which held that, per the 10th Amendment, abortion law is a power reserved for the states and the People, and not a subject for federal legislation. Finally, I will resist all efforts to impose even more socialist and totalitarian policies upon The People by anyone who seeks to subvert the Constitution and our 250-year-old tradition of liberty and justice for all.

“… government … appears to say to the universe, or to say to itself: ‘If nobody will be so kind as to become my foe, I shall need no more fleets nor armies, and shall be forced to reduce my taxes.’’’ — Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

I joined the 3rd District Congressional race because RINOs and Pharisees threw Lauren Boebert under the bus. In so doing, they violated the Reagan Maxim that if you agree with someone 80 percent of the time, they are a friend and ally, not a 20 percent enemy. Worse, the other CO-03 candidates seem more interested in butchering the budget and bringing home more bacon than they do continuing Lauren’s mission of protecting this country and its constitution from the grifters and totalitarians trying to destroy it.  –Robin Heid, M.A.

Robin Heid