Robin Heid for Congress – colorado district 3
Primary long-term goal:
Protect our water and our water rights
Nothing is more important than water except air. And it goes beyond water for ourselves and crops. Water is what birthed the term hydraulic despotism, which means: Control a must-have resource and you control the people and countries who must have that resource. Third District is beset on all sides by water stealers, so I think it’s time we practice a little hydraulic despotism ourselves. I have a plan to conserve and protect our water from water thieves that goes beyond current practices, and I’ll share it with you as soon as my team gets additional input from Western Slope water users and then fine tunes the details. In the meantime, suffice to say: Before I’m elected, I will consult with the most stellar group of water law experts in this land and, if you elect me to Congress, I will help them do whatever it takes to defeat the water thieves.
Robin Heid for Congress – colorado district 3
Primary short-term goals:
Stop the invasion and end the war in Ukraine
After protecting our water, stopping the invasion of America and ending the War in Ukraine are literally the most important issues facing Colorado’s Third District. That’s because:
a) the invasion of our country by millions of military-age males from 150+ countries, including many adversary nations, threatens our national, state, and local security; and
b) prolonging this already-lost war threatens our own peace and prosperity on multiple levels.
The invasion of the United States must be stopped. President Biden has the power under Article IV, §3 of the Constitution to shut down the border to prevent invasion – an enumerated power that supersedes any and all international asylum agreements to which the US is a party. The President, however, chose instead to violate his presidential oath by not only allowing but aiding and abetting the invasion of our country by at least two entire army groups – 2 million + military-age males – in the last three years. Here is some perspective on what those numbers mean:
The Ukraine War must end immediately. We are right now repeating the leadup to WWII by provoking a European power and supporting various regional conflicts. Early in February 2024, for example, the UK proposed sending NATO troops to Ukraine. The week before that, the Germans announced that NATO will be in a war with Russia by 2025. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is already threatening to send American troops to fight in Europe if we don’t continue feeding the war machine with money we don’t have. The War Weenies of the Military Industrial Complex are laying the groundwork for WWIII and the only way to shut this down is by cutting off US money to Ukraine and stopping that war in its tracks. The only support I’m willing to send Ukraine is more manpower, in the form of all military-age males who illegally enter the United States. Details here.
2. We borrow every dime we give to Ukraine – and then pay interest on the money we give away! We currently pay ~$1 trillion each year just in interest. Let’s break just one piece off that number: Suppose we borrow $60 billion and give it to Ukraine. That means we just signed up to spend an additional $1.8 billion a year in interest forever because we pay only the interest on our national debt – not a dime goes to reducing the principal.
That’s my overview of the Ukraine War. It is informed by these concepts and ideas:
“War is a matter of vital importance to the state, the province of life or death, the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied.” Sun Tzu:
“… government …appears to say to the universe, or to say to itself: ‘If nobody will be so kind as to become my foe, I shall need no more fleets nor armies, and shall be forced to reduce my taxes.’” Thomas Paine:
“Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few… No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” James Madison:
For additional information on my views about Ukraine, the ongoing leadup to WWIII, and international relations generally, check out these links:
Proposed plan for victory in Ukraine, annotated and edited by Robin Heid, M.A.
Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism, and Maslow
Robin Heid for Congress – colorado district 3
Secondary short-term goals:
Keep the federal knee off our necks. I will:
Vote against increased spending on pretty much everything.
1. Vote against increased spending on pretty much everything.
2. Introduce legislation to repeal stupid, dangerous, and harmful laws and regulations.
3. Introduce legislation to rein in the power of bureaucracies, especially predatory agencies such as EPA, BLM, and NPS, whose predations make wolf reintroduction look like child’s play.
4. Make sure no one on either side of the Congressional aisle assaults Dobbs with either a national abortion right or a national abortion ban. Per Dobbs and the 10th Amendment, abortion law is the province of the states, thus rendering any federal abortion right or ban prima facie unconstitutional. For a comprehensive look at my views on abortion policy, go here.
5. Introduce legislation that will send to Ukraine all military-age males who illegally enter the United States. Let them wait for their asylum hearing date on a Ukrainian battlefield. Details here.
6. Build on Lauren’s reportedly solid constituent support by finding best practices among the 535 members of Congress and applying the best of those best practices to CD-3 constituent support.