February 20, 2024
Writer, consultant, and former paratrooper Robin Heid today announced his candidacy for the open 3rd District congressional seat vacated by Rep. Lauren Boebert in December 2023 when she switched districts for her 2024 reelection campaign.
“I joined the 3rd District congressional race mostly because RINOs and Pharisees threw Lauren Boebert under the bus for not being your prim-and-proper, cookie-cutter Republican. I’m also running for Lauren’s seat because the 3rd District deserves another representative who understands that the role of a federal legislator is not to butcher the budget and bring home more bacon, but to defend the Constitution and help keep the USS Ship of State sailing clear of the foreign and domestic rocks that could sink it and its 50 passengers.”
Heid said if he is elected, he will “continue the 3rd District tradition Lauren established of spirited, Constitutionally literate representation. I have listened to the voices of the 3rd District, and my three main priorities based on that input are:
“Protect our water and water rights. The 3rd District is surrounded by individuals, companies, and governments trying to steal our water and water rights. This attempted theft is an existential threat to the lives and livelihoods of 3rd District Coloradoans and I will use all the Congressional power at my disposal to defend our water.
“Stop the invasion of America and end the Ukraine War. The United States is being invaded by a multi-million-man army of military-age males from 150+ countries, including adversary nations. I will demand that the next president shut down the border completely to stop this invasion, using the Constitutional authority enumerated in Article IV, §3. I will also call for and support the immediate detention and removal of all military-age invaders, either to their own countries or to the Ukrainian army – their choice.
“Keep the federal knee off our necks. I will defend the Constitution at every turn, introduce legislation to rein in the power of bureaucracies, and do my best to prevent any federal encroachment upon Dobbs, which held that, per the 10th Amendment, abortion law is a power reserved for the states and the People, and not a subject for federal legislation.”
Heid has opted to get on the primary election ballot through petition, and is asking all 3rd District Boebert supporters to join him.
“I cannot do this without the help of you who supported Lauren even through her Beetlejuice friskiness. Lauren provided common sense, Constitutionally informed representation and I will do the same, so I ask that you transfer your support for her to me. The help I most urgently need is petition signers, so if you have the time and energy, please immediately contact the campaign through robinheidforcongress.com and let’s do this!”